Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Days of Rage

Some traditions believe that when one dreams of the skies raining stones or blood, it foretells disaster; a punishment for sin. (http://dreamingthedreams.com/meanings/rain%20stones/)

Raining Stones

stones raining









The people demanded rain.

So I dreamed a dream in which

the winds blew and the dew fell,

each drop shining like stones on

a monarch’s jewelled diadem.

This was for a blessing.

I raised my arms, bore my

hands aloft and prayed.

I, even I could make the

waters fall!


First came a small spit, pushed

by a larger spot, chased by a

greater splash that rushed into a

stream which unfurled and spread

shimmering smooth; a virginal

lake of watered silk, stilled by

easy expectation.


This too, was for a blessing.


Then the sun blazed angry;

the waters ebbed and the people

moaned. We’d been twice cursed.


So I dreamed another dream.

Again I raised my arms, bore my

hands aloft and prayed. But now

there was no gleam. No water fell.


Instead the winds howled and

a harsh-worded harpy screeched

that we had sinned.


This is for a curse.


Yet the rains came. First, fell

tiny crystals that became

pebbles which hurtled into

rocks that dashed into boulders

which crushed us hailstone small.

Now Israel bleeds.


This too, is for a curse.

© Natalie Wood (13 October 2015)

1 comment:

Natalie Wood said...

Some traditions believe that when one dreams of the skies raining stones or blood, it foretells disaster; a punishment for sin.